You might think that people know what your business is about simply because of the products and services you provide, but there’s a lot more that feeds into your customer’s perception than that.
Everything from your letterheads, office layout, and website design creates an impression of what they can expect from your company. Even the way your employees perform their job is apart of your brand.
When you work with our brand design team, we build everything from the ground up. The style of your web and print material, your company logo, and of course the tone of voice to be used throughout all of your press release and publications are all taken into account when we put your brand package together.
“Optional Banner. Let me upload images.Can be static or parallex. Has text option.”
One of the most difficult things about implementing a complete set of brand rules is making sure they’re adhered to.
Because you always have new staff coming and going, a lot of the knowledge associated with your business can get away. When you work with us, we can make sure your brand rules aren’t just followed on day one – they’re something that’s followed day in and day out in all of your public material in order to create a cohesive personality for your business – one your clients can trust.
When you first approach our brand design team, we’ll want to know everything about your business. Then we condense everything we learn into our first, spectacular pitch. Once you’re happy with the creative direction, we get down to work.
Putting together your brand identity includes everything from your logo to the styling of your company emails. A lot of thought goes into the process before the work is even started. Luckily you’ll be able to approve all of our ideas before pen is even put to page.
Launching your brand is one of the easiest parts of the process. All you have to do is pick a date for the party.
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Heading Three
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque vitae enim id ante ultrices vulputate. Vivamus imperdiet eu erat quis fringilla. Mauris scelerisque lorem vel magna dignissim lacinia. Fusce mauris odio, volutpat interdum blandit at, consequat a ipsum.
Undertaking a new brand design with Juvo isn’t all that different from setting out on a big trip. On it, we’ll want to learn everything about how your business ticks so we can put together a pitch to capture the essence of your company.
Once you’re happy with that, we’ll draw a complete map of how we’ll take that vision from planning stage to the day of your big launch. Of course, we can’t get there until you pick up the phone and give us a call – we’re always ready to talk design.