• Juvo • February 10, 2017
The Internet is Now the Most Popular Way to Find and Research a Lawyer, according to this Reuters Survey, and most people will use Google when they need to hire a solicitor, so making sure that search engines can find your website is essential.
Solicitors are busy professionals, and they need to sell their services into a marketplace full of competitors,
which leads us to the question:
How do people find the solicitor they want to hire for the job?
This survey by Adweek found that 81% of Shoppers Conduct Online Research Before Buying, and making sure that they can find your website is exactly what Juvo does. Here’s a quick check list of things we can help you to have on your website to ensure people can find your business:
- Blog
- Google Analytics
- Google Places Map
- IP Phone number
- SEO optimized content
- Mobile optimization
Let’s take a closer look at each of these:
1.) BLOG
Blogging means creating something that provides value and helps your audience. What issues are your clients interested in and what are they searching for? What kind of services can you offer and how can you convert leads into clients? Our approach to blogging involves the ongoing job of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the outcome we are always focused on is generating leads for business enquiries.
Installing Analytics on your site helps you to measure your advertising Return on Investment (ROI) by providing statistics about the number and type of people who engage with your website. Over time this helps you to build a specific profile of visitors to your site, in terms of demographic, age, etc. and with this information you can adapt your website and social media to your specific audience.
Adding a Google Map on your contact page will not only help people easily find the location of your business, but you will also appear on the Google map which everyone
is reading from, which helps with SEO.
This unique service records each time people phone your number directly from your website, providing valuable feedback about how people find you.
Key Words are the most popular search terms that people are using and it’s essential that your site content is effectively optimized for your site ranking in search engines such as Google, etc. We use a variety of techniques and practices to ensure that your business will be found.
Mobile will completely dominate desktop in 2017, meaning that most people will be looking online via a mobile device such as a phone or iPad. Any new site that we build is correctly optimized to work on mobile, making your business future proof.
Choosing appropriate Social Media Channels for your digital message is key and LinkedIn is the number one choice for most Solicitors, as it helps to create your professional profile. LinkedIn is excellent for professional networking, for example this Group for The Law Society of Ireland.
Twitter is excellent for linking to interesting content and can quickly generate new content which helps to describe who you are and what kind of services are available. Google+ works well for SEO purposes, but in the end, all your Social Media adds up to build a picture of your business which people use to make decisions about whether or not to engage with your brand. These days everybody is on Facebook and the advantage here is that your Facebook ads will only be seen by people who want to engage with your brand and you won’t be paying money for clicks of persons who do not have the potential to refer new clients. Unlike traditional Solicitor advertising, you won’t be wasting your hard-earned money on persons who have no need for your services and you can set specific budgets for Facebook ads that fit your budget
Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC) usually applies to ads on Google which will appear when people search under keyword terms such as ‘Compensation Claim’ or ‘Dublin Solicitors’. The advertiser only pays when the ad is clicked, and It’s one of the fastest ways to draw potential customers to your website however it can be risky if not executed properly. Making the most out of the traffic PPC advertising directs to your page requires some digital marketing expertise to make sure you convert as many leads as possible.
For example, relying too much on broad match keyword ads may result in sacrificing relevance for reach. Broad match keyword ads are displayed whenever all or part of your target keyword phrase is searched for, meaning that a solicitors firm targeting the phrase ‘Compensation Claim’ may appear in searches ‘reasons for compensation claim’ etc. In these cases, you may be wasting your digital marketing budget on irrelevant searches. Setting your ads to exact match may decrease your traffic potential but help ensure your ads appear for the search queries most relevant to your business.
We can help you to pay over a contract period of twelve months, spreading out the overall cost to make our services available at excellent rates. Key to our approach with new clients is to think of what we do as an ongoing marketing service, not just a one-off build of a website.
We Do Digital and we have experience of working with solicitors, such as this recent new build for Anthony Joyce Solicitors, Contact us today on 01 568 6237 or email chris@juvo.ie.